Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Download links here
Tapemonkey likes free stuff on the internets, and doesn't mind some Girl Talk Mash-Up pop fun freak out either - got get yourself some while it's hot.
back cover:
Sunday, November 14, 2010
BATTLE: LOS ANGELES - now that's how you cut a teaser
Just go ahead and watch it - making similar recent fare like 'Skyline' look like the messy CGI wank it is is, this trailer popped up on Apple, Youtube and all the usual suspects yesterday, immediately piquing the interest of movie geeks across the globe.
As we gear up for a glut of Alien Invasion films, this one trailer (apparently edited by the film's director Jonathan Liebesman), has pushed its accompanying film to the forefront of expectations with two minutes of well-edited images and a very tasteful score (featuring haunting vocoder track Johann Johannsson's "Sun's Gone Dim and The Sky's Black"). The scope of the film, the promise of a human emphasis with just the right amount of Gulf-War and terrorist attack-related imagery (almost obligatory to the genre since Spielberg's WOTW), as well as a few classic sci fi tropes and UFO enthusiast theories in the opener, really puts out the challenge to all comers, including Spielberg and Abrams' upcoming 'Super 8' and Oren Peli's ( of 'Paranormal Activity' reknown) 'Area 51'. By now most film geeks have clicked the Youtube link and watched it more than once.
Here is the movie's website.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Rumor: Apple to Acquire Sony?
Today big gaming news comes from an unlikely source; weekly financial newspaper, Barron's. This week they speculate that Apple is in the market for a huge acquisition; naming Sony, Electronic Arts, and Disney as possible targets.
It is no secret that Apple are huge. What may come as a surprise is how large they really are. According to Barron's Apple has become the second largest company in the world; only eclipsed by ExxonMobile. Even more surprising, the technology giant is catching up to the big oil baron. Like all oversized companies, it is Apple's goal to continue their growth, and they have the money to do so. The tech giant has 51 billion dollars to invest in an acquisition. Which is enough to buy Sony or Disney.
It has been well known that Apple has been seeking ways to make inroads into the lucrative gaming market. With a market cap of 33 billion dollars, a strong brand, and high quality first party development teams, Sony seems like a smart and affordable acquisition. In addition, Sony comes with a huge manufacturing component that will help Apple bring manufacturing of their goods in-house. Other perks include a strong media distribution presence and licensing perks from Blu-ray discs. For Apple, these perks may just outweigh the headaches of Sony's persistent red ink and less profitable divisions.
Electronic Arts is also affordable, but only gives Apple a single benefit. Disney on the other hand may simply be too expensive, but does have business in video games and media distribution, and comes with a household name.
With 51 billion dollars to throw around, it would be interesting to see what strategy emerges from Cupertino, CA. We can be assured that it will be big and surprising, which is Steve Job's 'MO'.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Will Google TV Destroy TV?
If you don’t follow these things, Google TV is a recently announced effort from Google, Sony and others to enter the already active and increasingly chaotic world of Internet connected TV.
Yahoo, Roku, Vudu, Apple, Netflix, and others are already doing it. Google is new to the party, but a big name attracting attention. (and a new Apple TV is now rumored)
The basic idea of the connected TV is to take the kind of video watching you do on your computer and move it to the biggest and best picture, sound and seating you have in the house. The original video device. The almighty television.
You could get all the breadth, randomness, and consumer friendly economics of Internet video without the neck and back strain of “leaning forward” over a keyboard and mouse.
But does this matter? Will it change the world? The hype from Google and the others would say yes.
This is all fine for the oddball viral video and niche specialty content that doesn’t already exist on traditional television or DVD, but what would really change the industry would be getting high value network or studio products like you find on Hulu. You could cancel your cable bill and watch far fewer advertisements. Sounds great right? But…There is no free lunch. TV is expensive to make. Especially if it’s good TV. A show like Lost with visual effects, big sets, and well paid union writers, directors, and actors needs a budget. A big budget.
Where does that money come from? There’s a complicated answer to this and a simple answer. The simple answer is the money comes from you.
Just like when taxes are raised on corporations, ultimately they’ll raise prices on products and get that money from consumers. The money is in the people, and if the people stop paying, there is no other source.
The complicated answer is that it comes from you in many ways. Part of your cable bill makes its way back to the networks. The time you take watching advertising (unless you’re skipping, more on that later) is value extracted from you and sent back to the network. And the season box sets you buy or rent on DVD count as well. more...
Friday, October 22, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Bioshock Infinite 10 Minute gameplay demo
Thursday, September 2, 2010
- 15 Step
- There There
- Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
- All I Need
- Lucky
- Nude
- Morning Bell
- 2+2=5
- A Wolf at the Door
- Videotape
- (Nice Dream)
- The Gloaming
- Reckoner
- Exit Music (For a film)
- Bangers n Mash
- Bodysnatchers
- Idioteque
Encore 1
- Pyramid Song
- These Are My Twisted Words
- Airbag
- The National Anthem
- How To Disappear Completely
Radiohead win the Internets again.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Watch Arcade Fire’s Interactive Short Film The Wilderness Downtown
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Sunday is for Crackpot Paranoid Conspiracy Theories
Why? because of documents published on WikiLeaks which claim that;
Osama bin Laden is in the pay of the CIA and that President George Bush summoned up the al-Qaida leader whenever he needed to increase the fear quotient.
It's pretty hard to fathom that Castro buys this tale entrely, but it's a hell of a story nonetheless.
For more, read this story from the Guardian Online, and the Wikileaks page Castro must have been reading.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Avatar is returning to Theatres this Christmas!
Say the magic word: Apple sues David Copperfield

Apple claims ownership of magic, demanding that Copperfield immediately cease using the word, and seeking $4.2 million in punitive damages.
No question, magic has been in the air in Cupertino. Following Steve Jobs’ introduction of the “magical and revolutionary” iPad, Apple has used magic to describe iPad on its website as well as in videos, press releases, newspaper/magazine ads and TV commercials. Apple also sells a Magic Mouse, Magic Trackpad and only last week introduced the Magic Footpad. Indeed, The Academy of Magical Arts in Los Angeles tells us they’ve already discussed dropping their use of the word, simply because Apple has run it into the ground.
But David Copperfield is standing his ground. “I’m a magician. I do magic. End of story,” reads his 9-word statement. 16 words, if you include “Tell them where they can shove it,” which Copperfield gracefully added following his statement.
Apple’s press release explains, “David Copperfield has every right to entertain, but no right to confuse. In the public eye, magic equals Apple. Mr. Copperfield dilutes the Apple brand and profits by his use of an Apple asset.”
Our source inside Apple expresses frustration with the famous illusionist. “Copperfield went way over the line when he started using the magic word. That’s Apple territory. There are plenty of other words to choose from. Sorcery… legerdemain… thaumaturgy. He’s a creative fellow, he’ll figure it out. He just needs to keep his mitts off of our word.” Linky to article
Oh, and I might just add... this is all fake! Not surprising if you were paying attention... it does sound like something Apple would do though.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Grisly find in search for Japanese centenarians
The police find at their apartment came weeks after the discovery of the more than 30-year-old mummified corpse of a man who had been thought to be celebrating his 111th birthday sparked concern about the very old in Japan.
Officials have fanned out nationwide since then to check on the whereabouts of citizens registered to be over 100, amid concern that some relatives have failed to report their deaths in order to draw their pension payouts.
In the latest find, made by police Thursday in an apartment in Tokyo's Ota ward, the dead woman's 64-year-old son told officials that his mother had died nine years ago, but that he hadn't been able to afford a funeral for her.
Japan had more than 40,000 registered people aged over 100 at last count, but by last week, officials had found that nearly 200 of them were missing.
Vacume up a Galaxy, Nature Destroys Own Environment
Known for a long time to be a powerful radio source, it was found to have a supermassive black hole that was feeding on surrounding gas. Although a few billion times the mass of the sun -- which is HUGE to us -- it is just a tiny fraction of the mass of the galaxy. And yet, its actions influence the entire galaxy, as well as the cluster around it.
Whereas the radio emission comes from jets of material that are flung away from the black hole's vicinity at speeds nearing that of light, the x-ray emission comes from the hot soup of particles that pervade the galactic cluster. These interact as the radio jets appear to blow "bubbles" or cavities into the x-ray gas. Putting the pieces together provided observational evidence of the physical link between the actions of the supermassive black hole and what is going on the in the rest of the galaxy.
Full Article...
Futurama Writer Created And Proved A Brand New Math Theorem Just For Last Night’s Episode
In the episode “The Prisoner of Benda,” the Professor and Amy use a new invention to switch bodies. Unfortunately, they discover that the same two brains can’t switch twice and have to come up with some equation to prove that, with enough people switching, eventually everyone will end up in their rightful form. This, of course, leads to much hijinks as well as the grossest sex scene the show has ever done (take that, Prof. Farnsworth and Mom!).
Check out anything to do with the show at the infosphere.
Two arrested after $50m Van Gogh painting stolen from Cairo museum
The £32 million painting, known as Poppy Flowers or Vase With Flowers, was taken from the Mahmoud Khalil Museum on the banks of the Nile.
Egypt’s culture minister Farouk Hosni said airport security confiscated the oil painting from an Italian man and a woman.
One Egyptian official, who asked not to be named, told The Mail on Sunday: ‘It is believed the thief cut the painting from the frame and hid it in his suit.’
Want more? Click here...Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
Game News: BioShock Infinite Announcement Launch Trailer
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Google Sky... Google Plan fly to mini chopper spies
The UAVs being flogged are mini helicopters with cameras attached that can be flown about all over the place. They're quiet and resemble sci-fi UFOs for the vertically challenged alien.
They can fly up to 80km per hour, so Microdrone CEO Sven Juerss suggests they'll be brilliant for mapping entire neighbourhoods really quickly and relatively cheaply.
Even before Google started data mining on open web networks its Street View operations were controversial, with Google Maps picking up on people who didn't exactly want their faces plastered all over the internet. With the kind of high-angle aerial shots this sort of kit can achieve, it boggles the mind as to the sort of images that may be accidentally captured.
Our take: Skepticism is warranted, and outrage is probably premature.
Our understanding is that FAA certification procedures for civilian UAVs operating in domestic airspace are not yet in place, so it is not clear that the regular operation of such UAVs would be legal -- never mind prudent from a privacy or public-relations point of view.
Meanwhile, the Techeye report, while fascinating, is also single-sourced, with the news of the UAV sale to Google coming from the manufacturer of the UAV -- which is to say, he's hardly a disinterested conduit for information. There has been no confirmation of the sale from Google, so far as we know. (Indeed, Forbes reports a Google spokesperson says, ""This was a purchase by a Google executive with an interest in robotics for personal use.”)
So, while curious and exciting, Telstar Logistics suggests keeping cool pending further information about Google's plans and the regulatory environment that may or may not make such plans viable.
UPDATE: Our friends at BoingBoing link to more information about Google's UAV denial, as well as further detail about the air-certification challenges such UAVs would present.)
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
TorrentReactor Buys and Renames Russian Town
The last time a torrent site attempted to buy some land, the plan miserably failed. Early 2007 The Pirate Bay launched its ‘Buy Sealand” campaign. The plan was to raise enough money so they could buy the micronation of Sealand and offer “high-speed Internet access, no copyright laws and VIP accounts to The Pirate Bay.”
Within a few weeks the campaign raised some $20,000 from potential citizens, but this wasn’t enough. Sealand turned out not to be an option as it was prized at 750 million euros, which equals to nearly one billion US dollars. Other alternatives were considered but most islands lacked a proper Internet connection.
Now, three years later the Russian based torrent site Torrentreactor has reportedly bought some land of their own, without any help or funding from the outside. TorrentReactor founder Alex informed TorrentFreak about the peculiar move which puts the torrent site on the map in rural Russia.
Full article...Facebook on ‘lockdown’ as it prepares for war with Google
Rumors surfaced in June that the search giant was developing a Facebook competitor called Google Me, and the company’s social networking ambitions became even more certain this week with its acquisition of social app maker Slide. TechCrunch has called Google’s efforts a war on Facebook, and said Vice President of Engineering Vic Gundotra is the company’s general.
Now we’ve heard from a source close to Facebook’s plans that the social network is working hard to fend off Google. Specifically, chief executive Mark Zuckerberg has declared that the company is on “lockdown” for the next 60 days, with the office open on weekends as the company tries to revamp Photos, Groups, and Events in advance of the Google launch. We hear Zuckerberg even has a neon sign saying “Lockdown” on his office door.
The phrase is a callback to Facebook’s early days, as described in David Kirkpatrick’s book The Facebook Effect. During a lockdown, if someone wanted to leave the office Zuckerberg would reportedly pound the table and say: “‘No! We’re in lockdown! No one leaves the table until we’re done with this thing.”
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Will solar storms destroy civilization?

A large explosion on the surface of the sun on Sunday sent a tidal wave of electrically charged particles toward Earth, say scientists. While the discharge is likely to create aurora borealis–like effects in large sections of the northern sky, it may also mark the beginning of an 11-year cycle of solar storms that have the potential to cause serious disruption of technological systems. (Watch a History Channel segment on what causes sun storms.) Here's the lowdown:
Is this week's event a solar storm?
Yes, and it's the first to be directed at Earth for "quite some time," say astronomers. It is predicted to cause a "killer light show" in northern regions of the globe, and may be visible from some parts of the United States.
What are solar storms?
Also known as a solar flare, a solar storm is a series of large explosions in the sun's atmosphere caused by magnetic instability.
Could this weekend's explosion pose a threat?
This one will provoke nothing more extreme than a dazzling light show. But scientists say this could be the start of a low in the sun's 11-year life cycle, making this potentially the first in a long season of solar storms. More serious ones could cause immense damage to our infrastructure.
How could sun storms damage our infrastructure?
A serious sun storm emits massive amounts of radiation capable of creating havoc with our technological systems. The X-rays and UV radiation emitted by powerful solar flares could, in theory, disable satellites and communications equipment.
So our cell phones might not work?
Correct. But a massive burst of energy could also fry electrical grids. Power in wide areas might fail, or surge dangerously, causing fires. Navigation systems — such as those on commercial airliners — could be disabled, and the global financial system brought to a grinding halt. Such an event, warns NASA, might "cause 20 times more economic damage than Hurricane Katrina."
Has it ever happened before?
There was a "solar tempest" in 1859 that caused telegraph wires to short out across the U.S. and Europe, starting multiple fires. With today's modern technology, the effects would be much, much worse. A minor solar flare in 1989, for instance, caused a massive power outage across Quebec, Canada.
No, but scientists can put satellites and power grids on "safe mode" if they can figure out how to predict when a sun storm will occur. NASA is collaborating with the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration to improve its space weather forecasting, and a group of scientists recently congregated in Washington, D.C. to discuss how to protect the planet from powerful bursts of energy from the sun that have the potential to devastate civilization.
source article...
The Psychology of Fanboyism
All gamers eventually encounter one. The fanboy and fangirl, who you can find lurking on message boards or can hear shrieking over headsets on Xbox Live, are by no means a recent phenomenon-the first recorded use of the term "fanboy" dates back nearly a century to 1919. First used to describe passionate boxing fans-and later comic-book readers who prided themselves on knowing their cherished fictional universes inside and out-the word has since devolved as a description of immature and often obnoxious behavior in the world of video games.
But what makes fanboys tick? Why do so many take such a militant stance over their video-game console of choice, especially when the differences between consoles such as the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360 are minute when it comes to the average gamer's concerns? The vast majority of major game releases are multiplatform titles, and they offer essentially the same experience regardless of your console of choice. So why do so many fanboys develop a strong attachment to one game platform while rejecting the other with equal passion? With the help of psychologists and authorities on the subject, we seek to learn what motivates fanboy behavior and why it has become a pejorative term.
Video games did not spawn this type of zealous behavior; they're merely the latest, most visible host for this often vicious intellectual virus. Fanboy flame wars raged years before video-gaming ultranationalists took up arms in the Nintendo Entertainment System vs. Sega Genesis days-or even when the Intellivision stoked the fires of Atari 2600 loyalists. Of course, before video games, fanaticism of this kind often took the form of religious or sports debates.
Patrick Hanlon, author of the award-winning advertising psychology book Primal Branding: Create Zealots for Your Company, Your Brand, and Your Future, suggests that this kind of behavior has been a part of humanity since cavemen argued over which type of spearhead was best suited for taking down mammoths. Furthermore, he says the closer the community around a debate like this gets, the harder it becomes to quit.
"Whenever you bundle
It's easy to see why people get up in arms about religion-few things are more important to a person's sense of identity than their faith. It gets fuzzier, though, when linking that behavior to a person's allegiance to something like a video-game console.
Read the rest of the article here...
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Get me a frikken lazer beam! - Intel step it up a notch with 50gbp/s data speeds.
Explanation Video
From Intel:
Today computer components are connected to each other using copper cables or traces on circuit boards. Due to the signal degradation that comes with using metals such as copper to transmit data, these cables have a limited maximum length. This limits the design of computers, forcing processors, memory and other components to be placed just inches from each other. Today's research achievement is another step toward replacing these connections with extremely thin and light optical fibers that can transfer much more data over far longer distances, radically changing the way computers of the future are designed and altering the way the datacenter of tomorrow is architected.
"Tomorrow's datacenter or supercomputer may see components spread throughout a building or even an entire campus, communicating with each other at high speed, as opposed to being confined by heavy copper cables with limited capacity and reach," according to Intel's press release.
Such quantitative increases in the power of data transmission could lead to qualitative changes in the way we use computers and the web. From telepresence to large data set distribution and analysis, the use cases are only beginning to be imagined. "At these data rates, one could imagine a wall-sized 3D display for home entertainment and videoconferencing with a resolution so high that the actors or family members appear to be in the room with you," Intel said.
Wow.... how cool is all that and the world doesn't even have it's hand's on it yet. Exciting, but nerdy stuff.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Flashback - Steven Colbert & Steve Carell = Even Steven
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
The Carell Corral | |||| | ||||
Not realising until after watching this show that Steve Carell was even on the Daily Show (yes, I know totally lame but now I'm in the know), let alone facing off against the egocentric Colbert I had to go a hunting and below is what I found (other then a pubescent looking Stuart).
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Even Stevphen - Weather | |||| | ||||
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Even Stevphen - Should Medical Marijuana be Legalized? | |||| | ||||
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Even Stevphen - World's Policeman or Fireman? | |||| | ||||
More?... thanks to Comedy Central for the supply of clips..
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Youtubes - Life in a Day Project - COMING THIS JULY 24th!
Footage will be selected to create a user-generated feature-length documentary, which will premiere at the 2011 Sundance Film Festival.
If you're taking part in YouTube's project, "20/20" wants to hear from you. Tell us what you're working on and why and a producer may contact you to be on "20/20."
Check out some videos... I think that I'll enter, sounds really interesting and who doesn't love a time capsule.
a word from Ridley Scott...
and here's a better explanation from Keven McDonald...
More info @
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Tech News - Screw the IPAD, here comes ANDROID!
The Pandi
The Acer tablet looks very similar to its LumiRead e-book reader that was announced at the same event back in may. Not many details have been released but we do know that it will feature a 7-inch color display, will run Android, and has a likely Q4 release date.
Movie News -The Expendable 8-Bit Game Comes to Facebook
Clicky, clicky!
Tech News - Create a 3-D Hologram With Your iPad
Screw video conferencing. Toss out those 3-D glasses. We just got one step closer to making portable holographic videos a reality (something we’ve all been waiting for ever since the first Star Wars flick came out back in 1977). This new demo from Japan-based creative team Aircord labo uses nothing more than a glass prism (with “special film”), a projector, and an iPad to create a 3-D display that runs on OpenFrameworks and MaxMSP (you can download the program files here). Think that’s pretty badass? So do we. But wait, there’s more! With an installed application, the program can also respond to sound, making the 3-D holovid display interactive.
The simplicity and accessibility of this design is what makes it most exciting to us. We can’t wait to see what happens when the OpenFrameworks community takes hold of this thing and takes it for a joy ride. How long do you think it’ll be before holovids are on the iPhone? We give it 5 years.
N-3D DEMO from aircord on Vimeo.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
iPhone 4 'Bursts into Flames,' Report Claims
They have photos, helpfully provided by "One of our very close AT&T sources" [translation: a retail store clerk] of the melted USB cable and the scorched 30-pin dock connector at the bottom of the phone. The phone was connected via its USB cable to the owner's computer.
Alas, they don't have any video: we have to imagine the phone's owner looking first puzzled, then horrified, then screaming as the flames "burst" and the ThisChangesEverythingAgain phone, the most advanced piece of technology on the planet as its fans reverently recite, turns into something that looks like a George Foreman compact griller.
Although BGR says there was a fire, they don't actually cite anything to back that (or the "bursting" flames assertion) up, not even a quote from the Very Close AT&T Source. According to BGR, according to their AT&T source, Apple says the cause was a defective USB cable.
"[I]t's still a little shocking to see it happen," writes "Marc", who blogged about the "flames" at "One would imagine that engineers have solved this extremely dangerous problem by now, right?"
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
Tech News - Demo of a 3D atlas of the universe
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Uh Oh, Adobe: Porn Industry Prepping To Ditch Flash
So it’s not great news for Adobe when the founder of Digital Playground, one of the biggest adult studios in the US, states in no uncertain terms in an interview with Conceivably Tech that he hates Flash and will ditch it as soon as all major browsers support HTML5.
This Is How Earth’s Gravity Field Looks | Gizmodo Australia
This Is How Earth’s Gravity Field Looks | Gizmodo Australia
If you’re still sad-faced about never getting a go in Concorde we have yet more bad news – air travel is getting slower again. This time we’re warping back to 1930s flight speeds, thanks to a new wave of cargo blimps.
The modern freight blimp can sustain a top speed of around 126km/h, and according to some reports, would be able to carry twice as much cargo as a Boeing 747 – while producing 90 per cent less greenhouse emissions.
Professor Sir David King, the UK government’s former chief scientific adviser, says he thinks big, helium-powered blimps similar to the Lockheed Martin High Altitude Airship (pictured) are the eco-friendly future of air transport – and will begin to takeover the Taiwan-to-US electronics distribution routes by the end of the decade.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Dr Who Anime Short? Fan obsessions colorized on the screen
"I worked all night for years and years without pay. That power would set me up above the gods! And through Adobe Photoshop I shall have that power!" - OtaKing77077
Using sounds bites from the show along with Phillip Sacramento (who you may have heard recently as the voice of Solid Snake in Metal Gear: Philanthropy) and Sachika Souno this Dr Who fiesta looks amazing and really leaves me wanting more. When will the full thing be available? You posted it last year, surely it's ready by now!!! Regardless of who did the talking OtaKing has done a great job here and I hope that we see it in film festivals as one unit soon.
Part 1
and there's more on the U Tube...
Devian Art Page
Game News - Red Dead Redemption Worldwide Stats
...we really are a murdering bunch of bastards
World News - Cockney to disappear 'within 30 years'
A study by Paul Kerswill, Professor of Sociolinguistics at Lancaster University shows the Cockney accent will move further east.
In London, Cockney will be replaced by Multicultural London English - a mixture of Cockney, Bangladeshi and West Indian accents - the study shows. "It will be gone within 30 years," says Prof Kerswill.
The study, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, says the accent ,which has been around for more than 500 years, is being replaced in London by a new hybrid language.
The new accent, known in slang terms as Jafaican, is most famously spoken by rap star Dizzee Rascal.
"Cockney in the East End is now transforming itself into Multicultural London English, a new, melting-pot mixture of all those people living here who learnt English as a second language," Prof Kerswill says.
full article...
Monday, July 5, 2010
TV news - Futurama's new Ep takes on Apple
Friday, July 2, 2010
Animatronic Halo Elite Costume - humongous fun times
For those impatient souls out there, It walks around right near the end of the video ...
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
TV News - New Adidas Commercial Kicks Intergalactic Ass!
Gaming News - XCOM Aussie Game Release
Monday, June 28, 2010
Movie News- MegaMind Trailers
Friday, June 25, 2010
TV News - Futurama is back! David X. Cohen on has a chat about it...
When I spoke to Cohen earlier this week, he mentioned the fact that he was again trying to write the 26th and last episode of Comedy Central's current order to serve as both a season or series finale. And the crew and writers were again trying to figure out their next steps.
"(I)t's familiar territory for us," he said, "but because Comedy Central's airing these half this year, half next year, it's a little less of an emergency for them to make any decision if they want to order more or not. So we're very used to it, unfortunately."
Otherwise, he happily gave us a preview of what will happen during the first half of the run, which begins on June 24 at 10PM ET with a double shot of episodes. He also envisioned what a 'Futurama' feature film might look like. Interview and clips after the jump (Warning: We do talk a little about the 'Lost' finale. So if you haven't seen it, read that part at your own risk).
Do you wish sometimes that things were like more straightforward, like your cousins over at 'The Simpsons' are, where it's "season 21, season 22, here we go," you know?
Yeah. Yeah, well it's a blessing and a curse, I guess, because you work at 'The Simpsons' and you don't jump ship at some point, suddenly you're 20 years older. (chuckles) So there's something to be said for a little drama of periodic cancellation and resuscitation to liven your experiences up a little bit.
When you did that last movie to kind of land it on a cliffhanger and let people know hey, here's how it ends, whether we're back or not? What was the thought there?
Yeah, well, we're one of the few shows now that has a lot of experience writing our last episode ever, so we're currently engaged in doing that for the 3rd time, at the moment, in fact. So our goal, I've decided, in the last couple of efforts at least, is to strike a tone where I would be happy if that was our last episode, right? I shouldn't say happy, I should say satisfied, I guess. Where it's kind of a bittersweet tone and on the one hand, it could be the end of the series, but on the other hand, we don't actually have a giant anti-matter explosion that kills all of our characters beyond repair. So we've learned to leave our options open, but I never want to be presumptuous and assume that we're going to come back. It just so happens we've had the good fortune so far to return, so we've cashed in on the fact that we didn't kill all our characters off in a LOST-style shootout.
Is the next ending going to be where it's all like some sort of religious parable and Fry's really the equivalent of Jesus, I think?
All Fry needs to do really is grow a beard, I guess. He's a little Jesus-y in his general build and complexion, I guess, by your standard clichèd version, so why not.
read the full and much longer article here...
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Funny - Better Call Saul!
Are you a fan of Breaking Bad? Do you think that Walter White is getting a bad wrap? Do you too need legal representation for Baby Fraud? Illegal Tiger storage? Saul can help you... Click Now...
Monday, June 21, 2010
E3 2010 - Star Wars: The Old Republic Cinematic and gameplay trailers
Cinematic Trailer... if you have the bandwidth watch it in HD and full screen, it looks fantastic!
Here's a walkthrough trailer from late last year. It's a little rough IMO but very interesting to watch
E3 2010 - Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2
E3 2010 - Deus Ex: Human Revolution trailer
Friday, June 18, 2010
Unreal Engine Puts BP Oil Spill Into Perspective
Se more of these great 'Finding Nemo 2' wallpapers at EL BLOG DE CHIBIBOTO
The Long term effects of Off-shore Drilling