Thursday, May 27, 2010
google pacman
This playable flash header for the world's largest search has proven so popular that it has now become a permanent meta-google fixture. It's cute retro gaming good times.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Adult Game 'BoneTown' Lets Your Inner Degenerate Out (NSFW)
Everything your mother warned you about is not only featured in "BoneTown," but encouraged: promiscuous, unprotected sex (in the streets, no less); various drugs; and strangers being beaten with a bat. It also features Ron Jeremy.
If that wasn't politically incorrect enough, the goal of the game is to grow your balls (by completing missions and having sex, natch) and stop an evil corporation called "The Man" from encroaching on your inalienable "rights."
If you have a pulse (and a brain), chances are something in "BoneTown" will offend you -- whether its the portrayal of women as mere sex objects or the concept of "working your way up" by sleeping with fat women before you can do the kinkier stuff to gals with supermodel bodies.
Don't say we didn't warn you ...
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Game News - Red Dead Redemption OZ Embargo Breached!!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Tech News - Why Google wants your Wi-Fi data
Google Australia will today be sent a "please explain" letter from two local privacy organisations demanding to know why the company has been collecting personal Wi-Fi network data from Australian homes alongside the images it takes with its Street View cameras.The letter comes in response to recent reports that the company has been quietly collecting Wi-Fi data around the world when taking pictures of streets and houses for its mapping service.
Street View, which has already rolled out in a number of countries including Australia, displays panoramic street-level photos taken by specially equipped vans which are also equipped with Wi-Fi receivers that scan private network signals as it drives through neighbourhoods.
The Street View photos are overlayed onto Google Maps and concerns that Wi-Fi data could potentially be used to match mobile devices to residential addresses has privacy campaigners on alert, and they claim Google has failed to explain adequately the purpose for which the company is collecting this data in Australia.
"The question is why an organisation like Google that already knows so much about individuals, that is driving around and taking photos of every street in Australia, is collecting data that could enable it to physically map that information to a physical street and presumably a physical house," asked Geordie Guy, vice-chairman of Electronic Frontiers Australia.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Bento Factory - Where all of your ricey dreams come true.
Swiss Cops Hire 'Angel' to Discourage Speeding
Police in the state of Fribourg have hired a winged man dressed in heavenly white to stand on the side of the road and wave at unruly drivers when they're going too fast.
The idea stems from a national campaign to prevent speeding that started in mid-April and features banners, car stickers, TV commercials and a catchy tune under the name of "Slow Down. Take It Easy."
"The idea is to provide a sort of concrete protection, to have a real angel telling drivers to be responsible," said Benoît Dumas, a spokesman for Fribourg police. "To have a physical presence like that makes the message more visible, and it's out of the ordinary."
Full article from AOL News...
Tech News - Glasses-free 3D HDTV in five years?
The powers that be are already working on glasses-less 3D, aka autostereoscopic 3D, with standards expected to be set in around three years with another two years or so for commercialization. So we could have 3D with no glasses by Christmas 2015? We're in!
Here's how it might work:
There are two distinct developing technologies for glassless 3DTV — the 3D video codec and the plasma/LCD display — that have to merge to create a new autostereoscopic 3D ecosystem.
Current 3D is encoded using an extension of MPEG-4 H.264 AVC called MVC (Multiview Video Codec). MVC fuses two nearly simultaneous HD "views," one for the left eye and one for the right. Overlaying these two synced "views" using active shutter glasses creates the perception of 3D depth.
In development is an extension of the MVC extension called MVD (Multiview Video Depth), also called 3DV. MVD adds extra data for additional "depth" layers and multiple views (probably more than a dozen) to create a multi-level stereoscopic image that you won't need glasses to view.
To decode, generate and view these multiple "views," however, requires a lot more signal processing power, resolution and new methods of display than available using current plasma and LCD 3D technology. First, you need ultra HD 4K, capable of displaying around 8 million pixels; current HDs display around 2 million pixels. At CES, Panasonic hung an astounding six-foot-wide 4K plasma, pictured, which also was used inside its 3D demo room.
Once you have the resolution, the screen has to be capable of "projecting" these multiple depth views through a 3D HDTV's glass. One multi-view projecting method is called "lenticular 3D," a really advanced version of those 3D cards that came in CrackerJack boxes that you shift slightly back-and-forth to see a 3D image. Lenticular 3D already is being used for static displays, such as this Transformers poster. Another glasses-less 3D scheme is called Parallax Barrier.
Read the rest of the article...Monday, May 10, 2010
Tech News - NEC Develops Pirate ID Technology
NEC said the software has a 96% accuracy rate or false alarm rate of 1 in 200,000. The technology works by generating a compact signature (about 76 bytes per frame) and compares it to a signature of the original. It can even detect alterations to the original when subtitles are added or added languages.
NEC hopes its anti-piracy software will reduce the time, cost, and inaccuracy associated with manually seeking out illegal videos online.
Pac-Man Movie Speculation
Namco Bandai announced in February that Arad would act as an executive adviser/consultant for them. "We plan to ask Mr. Arad for advice on content creation and worldwide development of games, video pictures, music and other content business in general, and on strengthening our overseas Toys and Hobby business," they said in a statement then. You'll notice there was no mention of Arad helping them develop movie adaptations of their games, but considering his background it's a reasonable leap to make.
More recently, Arad spoke at the Milken Institute Global Conference where he declared that videogames would succeed comic books as the source of a new wave of Hollywood movie adaptations. "Very much like when we started with comics, we need one runaway success to make it very clear that this is a great source material," Arad said.
While there is no clear-cut available evidence that Arad is developing a Pac-Man movie, it's curious to note that Arad's producing partner Steven Paul and his company Crystal Sky have been trying to get a Pac-Man movie off the ground since as far back as 2002; Pac-Man and Castlevania were among the five films covered under a $200 million financing deal Crystal Sky struck in May 2008 with Grosvenor Park. Paul is also Arad's partner in the production company Seaside Entertainment and his fellow producer on Bratz and Ghost Rider and on in-development projects such as Ghost in the Shell, Lost Planet, Robosapien, and Maximum Ride. Paul is also a producer on the forthcoming live-action Tekken movie.
We'll know for certain if there's really a Pac-Man movie in the works or not come June 15.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
F Book and World Domination
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Sniper kills Qaeda-from 1½ mi. away!!!
Craig Harrison killed the two insurgents from an astounding distance of 8,120 feet -- or 1.54 miles -- in Helmand Province last November firing an Accuracy International L11583 long-range rifle.
"The first round hit a machine-gunner in the stomach and killed him outright," said Harrison, a corporal of horse in the British Army's Household Cavalry, the equivalent of a sergeant in the American military.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Tech News - Here comes Google OS, Google aquire BumpTop
Article From Tech Crunch
Wiki Article on Bumptop
Current Google Chrome OS for Tablet's Video (Lame... bring on the Bumptop!!)