What do you get if you mix David Beckham, Daft Punk, Snoop Dogg, Franz Beckenbauer, Noel Gallagher, Ian Brown, Ciara, FIFA, Jay Baruchel, DJ Neil Armstrong and Star Wars? That's right, an Adidas Commercial... wait,... wa??
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Gaming News - XCOM Aussie Game Release
From the makers of the such game titles as Borderlands and BioShock 2K games is on the verge of releasing a fantastic looking new titles called XCOM. Set in the mid-half of last century you star as a FBI agent investigating a mysterious villainy. The trailer released at E3 is pretty cool and reminds me of "Mad Men", "Edward Scissor-hands" "War Of the Worlds" and "The Blob"... quite a mix. The franchise XCOM has been around since 1993 in multiple incantations using various genres to sell the Alien Attack story, but it has been stuck in the land of the PC for a long time. Comes 2011...
Monday, June 28, 2010
Movie News- MegaMind Trailers
New from Dreamworks comes MegaMind... for once, a successful superman like super villain. Staring Will Ferrell, Tina Fay and Brad Pitt this little ditty looks like a step up from Monsters V Aliens and will be shown in the real 3D... not the ever popular fake-D that many of the pretenders play at (Ahem - Alice in Wonderland) (check out the HD video on Apple trailers) and comes out this November.
Friday, June 25, 2010
TV News - Futurama is back! David X. Cohen on has a chat about it...
When I spoke to Cohen earlier this week, he mentioned the fact that he was again trying to write the 26th and last episode of Comedy Central's current order to serve as both a season or series finale. And the crew and writers were again trying to figure out their next steps.
"(I)t's familiar territory for us," he said, "but because Comedy Central's airing these half this year, half next year, it's a little less of an emergency for them to make any decision if they want to order more or not. So we're very used to it, unfortunately."
Otherwise, he happily gave us a preview of what will happen during the first half of the run, which begins on June 24 at 10PM ET with a double shot of episodes. He also envisioned what a 'Futurama' feature film might look like. Interview and clips after the jump (Warning: We do talk a little about the 'Lost' finale. So if you haven't seen it, read that part at your own risk).
Do you wish sometimes that things were like more straightforward, like your cousins over at 'The Simpsons' are, where it's "season 21, season 22, here we go," you know?
Yeah. Yeah, well it's a blessing and a curse, I guess, because you work at 'The Simpsons' and you don't jump ship at some point, suddenly you're 20 years older. (chuckles) So there's something to be said for a little drama of periodic cancellation and resuscitation to liven your experiences up a little bit.
When you did that last movie to kind of land it on a cliffhanger and let people know hey, here's how it ends, whether we're back or not? What was the thought there?
Yeah, well, we're one of the few shows now that has a lot of experience writing our last episode ever, so we're currently engaged in doing that for the 3rd time, at the moment, in fact. So our goal, I've decided, in the last couple of efforts at least, is to strike a tone where I would be happy if that was our last episode, right? I shouldn't say happy, I should say satisfied, I guess. Where it's kind of a bittersweet tone and on the one hand, it could be the end of the series, but on the other hand, we don't actually have a giant anti-matter explosion that kills all of our characters beyond repair. So we've learned to leave our options open, but I never want to be presumptuous and assume that we're going to come back. It just so happens we've had the good fortune so far to return, so we've cashed in on the fact that we didn't kill all our characters off in a LOST-style shootout.
Is the next ending going to be where it's all like some sort of religious parable and Fry's really the equivalent of Jesus, I think?
All Fry needs to do really is grow a beard, I guess. He's a little Jesus-y in his general build and complexion, I guess, by your standard clichèd version, so why not.
read the full and much longer article here...
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Funny - Better Call Saul!
Are you a fan of Breaking Bad? Do you think that Walter White is getting a bad wrap? Do you too need legal representation for Baby Fraud? Illegal Tiger storage? Saul can help you... Click Now...
Monday, June 21, 2010
E3 2010 - Star Wars: The Old Republic Cinematic and gameplay trailers
The MMO multiverse is about to be shaken up with the long awaited Star Wars: The Old Republic apearing on the horizon. If the gameplay is as refined as the cinematic then we're all in for a treat. This could be the game to challenge Blizzard’s World of Warcraft for online supremacy... no really... that's the word on the street and I'm inclined to believe them.
Cinematic Trailer... if you have the bandwidth watch it in HD and full screen, it looks fantastic!
Here's a walkthrough trailer from late last year. It's a little rough IMO but very interesting to watch
Cinematic Trailer... if you have the bandwidth watch it in HD and full screen, it looks fantastic!
Here's a walkthrough trailer from late last year. It's a little rough IMO but very interesting to watch
E3 2010 - Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2
The first Force Unleached was loads of fun all be it a little flat, but we at tapemonkey have great hope for the second installment. Check out the Cinematic Trailer and gameplay trailer below.
E3 2010 - Deus Ex: Human Revolution trailer
The third installment in the Deus Ex franchise is set 25 years before the first Deus Ex game. The cyberpunk visuals drip quality in the trailer and should provide a stunning setting for this prequel.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Unreal Engine Puts BP Oil Spill Into Perspective
Se more of these great 'Finding Nemo 2' wallpapers at EL BLOG DE CHIBIBOTO
The Long term effects of Off-shore Drilling
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Machinima - An oldie but a goodie... Halo 3 Teabagging
E3 2010: first gameplay video of Valve's Portal 2
Expanding on the first game, Portal 2 looks like there's fair few new tricks to play with. The first video is a sneak peak into the story and the other two are gameplay and physics demos... Check it out...
E3 2010 - Halo: Reach Campaign Footage...take me too the Moon!
After the trailer that was launched the other day got the juices flowing now we have a cam of some actual gameplay footage. Oh Obama... look what happens when you keep man in space... SPARTIANS IN SPACE!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
E3 2010 - Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Multiplayer?!?
Crappy quality video with a douche-ie guy talking all over it but you get the idea.
E3 - Metal Gear Solid: Rising Debut Trailer
Keep watching.... they're some sweet ass cutting action right near the end of the clip.
E3 - Donkey Kong Country Returns
Finally a title that makes me want a Wii.... one of the best platformers that was left behind in the next gen console wars returns. DONKEY KONG!!!!!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
E3 News - Microsoft on Xbox 360 3D & the New Xbox Slim!
With Sony taking an aggressive stance on 3D gaming this year with new bundled offers on their 3D-enabled displays and firmware updates to the PlayStation 3, many are wondering what Microsoft's plans are for 3D on the Xbox 360. Monday's press conference made no mention of integrated support for 3D, and instead placed a firm focus on Kinect, their new camera-based control solution. But just because other technologies took the spotlight, it doesn't mean Microsoft isn't thinking about 3D.
While the Xbox 360 is capable of supporting full stereoscopic 3D games like Avatar: The Game, and forthcoming titles like Crysis 2, Microsoft is leaving the choice to developers rather than implementing 3D as a standard feature of the system with 2D-to-3D conversion, 3D features of the Xbox Live dashboard, and movies. The reasoning? Slow adoption rates.
"It's projected that less than one half of one percent of all TVs in the U.S. this year will be 3DTVs," the company said in a release today. "And 3DTVs will make up only 5% of the TV installed base three years from now."
Although Microsoft is leaving the decision up to developers, and subsequently consumers, to adopt 3D tech, they are prepared to act quickly to embrace the technology more widely should there be larger demand.
"We closely and constantly evaluate consumer trends," they said. "If there is demand, we've demonstrated in the past that we are able to quickly dedicate resources to respond to consumer interest." source article...
E3 2010: Xbox 360 Slims Down Today
At its E3 press conference today, Microsoft announced the brand-new Xbox 360 redesign. Smaller and quieter, the new Xbox 360 comes with built-in WiFi and a 250 GB hard drive. The wait for the new Xbox 360 is short, too. Very short. The new Xbox 360 ships today in North America and will be in retail later this week. The machine costs $299 USD, the same price as the existing 250 GB model. In Australia, it will release on 1st July for $449 AUD and for $499 NZD on 9th July in New Zealand.
The new Xbox 360 is primarily glossy black. There appears to be more vents on it for heat dispersion. The front of the machine has a sharper indent than the current hourglass design.
As if that was not enough of a surprise, Microsoft also announced that anybody at the theater for the press conference would get their mittens on a new Xbox 360 even sooner: Microsoft is shipping them a new machine immediately. (As you can imagine, the IGN War Room was suddenly full of many frowny-faces.)
While the Xbox 360 is capable of supporting full stereoscopic 3D games like Avatar: The Game, and forthcoming titles like Crysis 2, Microsoft is leaving the choice to developers rather than implementing 3D as a standard feature of the system with 2D-to-3D conversion, 3D features of the Xbox Live dashboard, and movies. The reasoning? Slow adoption rates.
"It's projected that less than one half of one percent of all TVs in the U.S. this year will be 3DTVs," the company said in a release today. "And 3DTVs will make up only 5% of the TV installed base three years from now."
Although Microsoft is leaving the decision up to developers, and subsequently consumers, to adopt 3D tech, they are prepared to act quickly to embrace the technology more widely should there be larger demand.
"We closely and constantly evaluate consumer trends," they said. "If there is demand, we've demonstrated in the past that we are able to quickly dedicate resources to respond to consumer interest." source article...
E3 2010: Xbox 360 Slims Down Today
At its E3 press conference today, Microsoft announced the brand-new Xbox 360 redesign. Smaller and quieter, the new Xbox 360 comes with built-in WiFi and a 250 GB hard drive. The wait for the new Xbox 360 is short, too. Very short. The new Xbox 360 ships today in North America and will be in retail later this week. The machine costs $299 USD, the same price as the existing 250 GB model. In Australia, it will release on 1st July for $449 AUD and for $499 NZD on 9th July in New Zealand.
The new Xbox 360 is primarily glossy black. There appears to be more vents on it for heat dispersion. The front of the machine has a sharper indent than the current hourglass design.
As if that was not enough of a surprise, Microsoft also announced that anybody at the theater for the press conference would get their mittens on a new Xbox 360 even sooner: Microsoft is shipping them a new machine immediately. (As you can imagine, the IGN War Room was suddenly full of many frowny-faces.)
Science News - Do Solar Storms Threaten Life as We Know It?
The concern is that bursts of radiation from the sun's surface could cripple satellites in orbit and fry electronics on Earth, creating infrastructure damage that some have compared to Hurricane Katrina. And with a period of especially high solar activity, "solar maximum," just a few years away, this potential threat is grabbing attention.
The idea of solar storms pulling the plug on electronics worldwide makes for riveting headlines, but how great is the actual risk?
Scientists worry that bursts of radiation from the sun could knock out satellites in space and destroy electronics on Earth. Here, an illustration shows such a burst blasting off the sun's surface and moving toward the Earth.
"Will massive solar storm cause blackouts on Earth?" screamed a headline on the German news site Bild.com. It also claimed NASA had issued an alert, which turns out to be not quite accurate.
What NASA did do was hold a Space Weather Enterprise Forum on Tuesday at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., where scientists discussed the very real danger of solar storms. "The sun is waking up from a deep slumber, and in the next few years we expect to see much higher levels of solar activity," said Richard Fisher, head of NASA's Heliophysics Division.
Read the rest of the article..
More info.
"What's Wrong With The Sun?" On New Scientist
Geomagnetic Storms - Wiki
Monday, June 14, 2010
Movie News - Sweet Scott Pilgrim Posters released..
Just released to an excited public human and primates alike, the Launch Posters for Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. Stacks of people online are looking forward to this comic recreation and we're all hoping that it's no stinker. The posters sure do look sweet, and if you're unaware on what the film is about check out the new trailer below.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Melbourne Sun Installation Can Be Controlled By iPhones or iPads
Of course, it wouldn't be a Rafael piece if it didn't involve interaction with the public. "Using an iPhone, iPod touch or iPad, people may disturb the animations in real-time and select different fluid dynamic visualizations," writes Lozano-Hemmer. The five projectors used for the animation are joined with audio loops of "rumbles, crackles and bursts" also simulated from solar activity.
Tech News - Mantaray iTar - Ipad guitar-style synthesizer
Well other then thinking this dude is a total douche who talks a lot like Lieutenant Sulu the idea is pretty solid. He's created an electronic mount for his Ipad and added a couple synthesizer tweaks. It really gets you thinking that touch pads are really capturing the imagination of the western world.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Now here's how you use a Ipad...
Oh Velcro... you are amazing and you make the Ipad look that much more appealing... Mind you we're not that far away from an Androids Streak and Windows 7 touchscreens. (check out some of the Ipads competition... this article is a touch old though, be warned!)
iPad + Velcro from Jesse Rosten on Vimeo.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Mark Zuckerberg is kind of a weird guy
Thursday, June 3, 2010
THE PORN INDUSTRY - It's always the Pioneer in new video tech, isn't it?

Porn to Pioneer 3D in Japan
June 2 (Bloomberg) -- Porn star Mika Kayama is at the frontier of a push to develop videos and content in Japan that Sony Corp. and Panasonic Corp. need to lure customers for their new 3-D televisions.
Kayama and Yuma Asami, the top actresses of adult-movie maker S1 No.1Style, will star in the country’s first DVDs for the 3-D format TVs, providing content analyst Yuji Fujimori says can trigger the success of the new sets. Sales of adult videos in Japan were 108.6 billion yen ($1.2 billion) in 2009, according to Takashi Kadokura, an economist who runs Yokohama- based BRICs Research Institute. That represents about 30 percent of the overall video market in the nation, according to Kadokura.
The porn market is huge, is this is the content that will most likely make it for Panasonic's 3D format.
The other interesting possibility is that the modern porn explosion will be on mobile devices.
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