'Where the Wild Things Are', the adaptation of Maurice Sendak's simple children's book by wordsmith David Eggers and cinematic wunder-kid Spike Jonze hits American cinemas on Friday. In Australia, we get to go see it in December. How are we to travel the intertoobs and not get spoiled? There's not a film, pop culture or music (it's been been composed by Karen O of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs with a hand-picked band of indie luminaries and every style-fronting music site from Pitchfork to NME to Pop Apocalypse to Stereogum and gorrilavsbear has been in a posting frenzy about it already) website that isn't all a-twitter with tid bits and rapturous excitement regarding this film, and it's not even out for the general public yet, (which will no doubt result in some kind of hipster blog explosion... blogsplosion?)
Feeling left out? yes. *grabs fork from table, looks for dog to chase*
It doesn't really seem to make sense for distributors to stagger their release dates from country to country any more, not in the era of Youtube and Apple Trailers, or in light of the fact that a country like Australia is, per capita, the biggest downloading community in the world. It's sad to think that some of this film's potential audience won't have the patience no to download cams or screeners or the eventual good-quality rip-offs of this movie as they appear in the internet in the coming months, because the studios don't make a cent from this kind of piracy. So why do they wait? Or, more significantly, why do I have to wait almost 'til Christmas to happily pay my money to sit in a cinema and watch this movie. Time is cruel, and not just because we all have to grow up and act like adults eventually...
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