Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Get me a frikken lazer beam! - Intel step it up a notch with 50gbp/s data speeds.

The future is here, well nearly here.... we'll on the verge of nearly being here. Years of R&D Intel have come up with a fancy new thing call "Silicon photonics". What this means to you and me is 50gbp/s data transfer speeds using a two tone laser that pulses the 0's and 1's across a fiber optic network and it will be the only way to send your data around in 5 years. To put that into perspective that's an entire HD Blu-ray disc moved in under a second (or as Gizmodo puts it "Now imagine transferring the entire printed catalogue of the Library of Congress in a minute and a half."). And this is only the beginning... check it out.

Explanation Video

From Intel:
Today computer components are connected to each other using copper cables or traces on circuit boards. Due to the signal degradation that comes with using metals such as copper to transmit data, these cables have a limited maximum length. This limits the design of computers, forcing processors, memory and other components to be placed just inches from each other. Today's research achievement is another step toward replacing these connections with extremely thin and light optical fibers that can transfer much more data over far longer distances, radically changing the way computers of the future are designed and altering the way the datacenter of tomorrow is architected.

"Tomorrow's datacenter or supercomputer may see components spread throughout a building or even an entire campus, communicating with each other at high speed, as opposed to being confined by heavy copper cables with limited capacity and reach," according to Intel's press release.

Such quantitative increases in the power of data transmission could lead to qualitative changes in the way we use computers and the web. From telepresence to large data set distribution and analysis, the use cases are only beginning to be imagined. "At these data rates, one could imagine a wall-sized 3D display for home entertainment and videoconferencing with a resolution so high that the actors or family members appear to be in the room with you," Intel said.

Wow.... how cool is all that and the world doesn't even have it's hand's on it yet. Exciting, but nerdy stuff.

Herpes Boy Trailer launched at Comic-Con

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Flashback - Steven Colbert & Steve Carell = Even Steven

As an avid watcher or The Daily Show & The Colbert Report I was delighted to see a house favorite hosting a recent episode of The Colbert Report. Steve Carell, from "40 Year Old Virgin" and "The Office" fame and old friend of the John Stuart family busted some of his old moves out and took the reigns. Damn that shit is funny...

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The Carell Corral
Colbert Report Full Episodes2010 ElectionFox News

Not realising until after watching this show that Steve Carell was even on the Daily Show (yes, I know totally lame but now I'm in the know), let alone facing off against the egocentric Colbert I had to go a hunting and below is what I found (other then a pubescent looking Stuart).

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Even Stevphen - Weather
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Even Stevphen - Should Medical Marijuana be Legalized?
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Even Stevphen - World's Policeman or Fireman?
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

More?... thanks to Comedy Central for the supply of clips..

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Youtubes - Life in a Day Project - COMING THIS JULY 24th!

Are You Entering YouTube's 'Life in A Day' Project? YouTube's "Life in A Day" project asks users around the world to capture their lives on camera on Saturday, July 24, 2010.

Footage will be selected to create a user-generated feature-length documentary, which will premiere at the 2011 Sundance Film Festival.

If you're taking part in YouTube's project, "20/20" wants to hear from you. Tell us what you're working on and why and a producer may contact you to be on "20/20."

Check out some videos... I think that I'll enter, sounds really interesting and who doesn't love a time capsule.

a word from Ridley Scott...

and here's a better explanation from Keven McDonald...

More info @

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tech News - Screw the IPAD, here comes ANDROID!

We’ve rounded up what we know about upcoming Android tablets to see if any devices will give the Apple iPad a true rival. With the success of Apple’s iPad, virtually every manufacturer is brainstorming their own version attempting to ride the tablet wave. Sound familiar? The tablet market seems to be following the path of smartphones, but there is a key difference this time: Apple doesn’t have quite the head start they had back when the first iPhone was released. Android has made a big dent in the mobile industry and it’s looking to do the same for tablets. Apple sold 3 million iPads in the first 80 days and they’re expected to sell around 20 million more in 2011. If Android wants to get its foot in the door then the time is now, before they fall behind again and it takes years to catch up. More and more manufactures are unveiling plans for tablets and the vast majority are choosing Android (sans HP with their Web OS tablet). Below we’ve rounded up everything we know at this point about upcoming Android tablets and when they might hit the market. If there is a tablet we have missed, let us know and we will add it to the list!

The Pandigital Novel can be classified as an eReader but since it features a web browser and media player we think it crosses into tablet territory as well. The Novel will features a 7-inch color 800×600 touchscreen, an SD card slot for adding storage, and will integrate with the Barnes & Noble eBookstore. It will be priced at $199 and is slated to go on sale this month.

The Acer tablet looks very similar to its LumiRead e-book reader that was announced at the same event back in may. Not many details have been released but we do know that it will feature a 7-inch color display, will run Android, and has a likely Q4 release date.


Movie News -The Expendable 8-Bit Game Comes to Facebook

Check it out, the mega action flick of the decade has decided to bring out an 8-bit Facebook game.

Clicky, clicky!

Tech News - Create a 3-D Hologram With Your iPad

Screw video conferencing. Toss out those 3-D glasses. We just got one step closer to making portable holographic videos a reality (something we’ve all been waiting for ever since the first Star Wars flick came out back in 1977). This new demo from Japan-based creative team Aircord labo uses nothing more than a glass prism (with “special film”), a projector, and an iPad to create a 3-D display that runs on OpenFrameworks and MaxMSP (you can download the program files here). Think that’s pretty badass? So do we. But wait, there’s more! With an installed application, the program can also respond to sound, making the 3-D holovid display interactive.

The simplicity and accessibility of this design is what makes it most exciting to us. We can’t wait to see what happens when the OpenFrameworks community takes hold of this thing and takes it for a joy ride. How long do you think it’ll be before holovids are on the iPhone? We give it 5 years.

N-3D DEMO from aircord on Vimeo.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

iPhone 4 'Bursts into Flames,' Report Claims

The Boy Genius Report reports that an iPhone 4 "burst into flames".

They have photos, helpfully provided by "One of our very close AT&T sources" [translation: a retail store clerk] of the melted USB cable and the scorched 30-pin dock connector at the bottom of the phone. The phone was connected via its USB cable to the owner's computer.

Alas, they don't have any video: we have to imagine the phone's owner looking first puzzled, then horrified, then screaming as the flames "burst" and the ThisChangesEverythingAgain phone, the most advanced piece of technology on the planet as its fans reverently recite, turns into something that looks like a George Foreman compact griller.

Although BGR says there was a fire, they don't actually cite anything to back that (or the "bursting" flames assertion) up, not even a quote from the Very Close AT&T Source. According to BGR, according to their AT&T source, Apple says the cause was a defective USB cable.

"[I]t's still a little shocking to see it happen," writes "Marc", who blogged about the "flames" at "One would imagine that engineers have solved this extremely dangerous problem by now, right?"

full article...

Friday, July 9, 2010

Tech News - Demo of a 3D atlas of the universe

Stardate 09082010.7... watch out for Uranus... Looks like a scene from the Jedi Temple in Coruscant.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Uh Oh, Adobe: Porn Industry Prepping To Ditch Flash

When the porn industry gets behind a tech, it tends to be a good sign. When it deserts a tech? Yeah, that’s a bad sign.

So it’s not great news for Adobe when the founder of Digital Playground, one of the biggest adult studios in the US, states in no uncertain terms in an interview with Conceivably Tech that he hates Flash and will ditch it as soon as all major browsers support HTML5.

This Is How Earth’s Gravity Field Looks | Gizmodo Australia

This Is How Earth’s Gravity Field Looks | Gizmodo Australia

If you’re still sad-faced about never getting a go in Concorde we have yet more bad news – air travel is getting slower again. This time we’re warping back to 1930s flight speeds, thanks to a new wave of cargo blimps.

The modern freight blimp can sustain a top speed of around 126km/h, and according to some reports, would be able to carry twice as much cargo as a Boeing 747 – while producing 90 per cent less greenhouse emissions.

Professor Sir David King, the UK government’s former chief scientific adviser, says he thinks big, helium-powered blimps similar to the Lockheed Martin High Altitude Airship (pictured) are the eco-friendly future of air transport – and will begin to takeover the Taiwan-to-US electronics distribution routes by the end of the decade.

The Inner workings of Google

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Dr Who Anime Short? Fan obsessions colorized on the screen

Wandering through the dewy fields of the Youtube I came across this little ditty. OtaKing77077's (aka Paul Michael Johnson) has taken his fandom to a new level with this amazing looking anime short that he made up away from his day job as a translator.

"I worked all night for years and years without pay. That power would set me up above the gods! And through Adobe Photoshop I shall have that power!" -

Using sounds bites from the show along with Phillip Sacramento (who you may have heard recently as the voice of Solid Snake in Metal Gear: Philanthropy) and Sachika Souno this Dr Who fiesta looks amazing and really leaves me wanting more. When will the full thing be available? You posted it last year, surely it's ready by now!!! Regardless of who did the talking OtaKing has done a great job here and I hope that we see it in film festivals as one unit soon.

Part 1


and there's more on the U Tube...

Devian Art Page

Game News - Red Dead Redemption Worldwide Stats

The guys at Rockstar have been watching us, counting all of the birds we've shot, the people we've hogtied and the donkeys we're blown away. They hired the guys at GameSpy to watch us all and below are the results from the Rockstar socal club are in...

...we really are a murdering bunch of bastards

World News - Cockney to disappear 'within 30 years'

I wonder if my granddad knows about this? :?

A study by Paul Kerswill, Professor of Sociolinguistics at Lancaster University shows the Cockney accent will move further east.

In London, Cockney will be replaced by Multicultural London English - a mixture of Cockney, Bangladeshi and West Indian accents - the study shows. "It will be gone within 30 years," says Prof Kerswill.

The study, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, says the accent ,which has been around for more than 500 years, is being replaced in London by a new hybrid language.

The new accent, known in slang terms as Jafaican, is most famously spoken by rap star Dizzee Rascal.

"Cockney in the East End is now transforming itself into Multicultural London English, a new, melting-pot mixture of all those people living here who learnt English as a second language," Prof Kerswill says.

full article...

Zero Punctuation: E3 2010

Monday, July 5, 2010

TV news - Futurama's new Ep takes on Apple

With a big old BAM from the Spice Weasel Futurama gets back into the comedic groove by taking a swing at Apple and the insane business plan they work too. Check out Ep3 of season 6... and here's a video to stave off the boredom.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Animatronic Halo Elite Costume - humongous fun times

Freak out friends and strangers with this 7+ feet tall slightly animatronic beast from the Halo games. Thanks to PeterManderFX who made this bad ass suit... what a pleasure it would be to don and go out on the town, freaking out passers by. Check out some pics and making of video, my favourite is the monster pants... oh monster pants how I would love to to wear thee.

For those impatient souls out there, It walks around right near the end of the video ...