Ever been laughed at by your friends for looking nerdy? Ever thought that it could be due to you monitor-tan? Well this nifty little device plugs into your USB and pumps your face with luscious UV rays helping you to look active on the outside.
Ever wanted to get a soft copy of your minutes for work? Can be buggered re-typing it all over again? Well fret no longer... as well as having a little inferred camera in the nub to record your pen strokes there's a microphone so you can add notations which can also be converted into a txt document! Nice..
With the new CASPA VOD service and unmetered downloads from a growing list of ISP's the new Tivo Dual HD Tuner PVR could be on top of any one's list. Currently it's around $2 - $4AU dollars to watch your favourite TV show using the service but coming April next year you'll have to option of watching the show with commercials for free. And it's not that bad as commercial content goes with 30 second breaks at the start, middle and end of your shows (more for movies) is a breeze compared to current scheduling practices. It's got one of the easiest user experiences of all other locally available PVR's and you can stream you're archived video's to the unit (Divx, Quicktime, MP4/H.264...) We'll see how the streaming goes, but for all the other features this is a total goer.
Darth Vader Unmasked - USB Stick
It's just cool.... in 2,4,8 and 16gb.
There's something pretty sweet about waking up in the guts of one of your favourite fantastical creatures. I mean you even get a mini Light Saber on the zip as you slice her open and the head becomes a little pillow! For any Star Wars fan or any nerd at all... this will be hard to beat.