sepukoo - Social networking suicide. The virtual life gets yet another simulated kink, but what happens when somone 'seppukoos' online and tops themselves in real life? It also occurs to us that it's just a matter of time before some online feud leads to a murder/suicide sitation where accounts get hacked, or information 'borrowed' and rather than an indidual voluntarily opting out of their online presence (which is what the site seems to exist for), they will get 'offed' by their adversary or some jealous and resentful 'friend'.
I guess it's one way to scare the crap out of your Mum (If she's the type to check your account several times daily, just to keep tabs), and you can always just reactivate your facbook account if you change your mind later (in fact, entirely getting rid of a facebook profile you have created is next to impossible), but what about all those cool buddies of yours who you only know through online chatting? that you have never actually met in person? Virtual grief is not something we've been planning on.
It's a viral newsbyte waiting to happen... and it could happen to you.
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