Tuesday, April 12, 2011

'Glasses-free' 3D coming to iPad 2

A technology research group has unveiled a new piece of software that adds 3D-functionality to the iPad 2. It also works for iPhone.

At the beginning of the month, we reported on an April Fool’s joke about a 3D screen for the Apple iPad 2. Well, it turns out that the gag is heading towards reality.

The Engineering Human-Computer Interaction (EHCI) research group has unveiled a clever hack for the iPad 2 that can successfully track the position of a person's head in 3D in real-time. Dubbed the Head-Coupled Perspective (HCP), the innovative software hack uses the iPad’s front-facing camera to create a ‘glasses-free’ monocular 3D display.

Full article...

1 comment:

  1. This seems familiar, it reminds me of
