Monday, March 22, 2010

Tech News - Chatroulette Is 89% Male, 47% American, And 13% Perverts

This is a guest post by Robert J. Moore, the CEO and co-founder of RJMetrics, an on-demand database analytics and business intelligence startup. His last guest post was an analysis of Twitter user data.

It’s no surprise that Chatroulette is the latest media darling. It has all the elements of a good story: technology, mystery, celebrity, and sex. If you haven’t heard of Chatroulette, this Daily Show segment is a good primer.

We were itching to study Chatroulette in a RJMetrics Dashboard, but no one seemed to have any good data for us to explore. So, we decided compile the data ourselves by leveraging Chatroulette Map, some scrappy programming, and a passionate tech community. We soon had detailed data on 2,883 Chatroulette sessions that tied users to geography, gender, appearance, and more.

Here are a few highlights from our findings:

* About half of all Chatroulette spins connects you with someone from the USA. The next most likely country is France at 15%.
* Of the spins showing a single person, 89% were male and 11% were female.
* You are more likely to encounter a webcam featuring no person at all than one featuring a solo female.
* 8% of spins showed multiple people behind the camera. 1 in 3 females appear as part of such a group. That number is 1 in 12 for males.
* 1 in 8 spins yield something R-rated (or worse)
* You are twice as likely to encounter a sign requesting female nudity than you are to encounter actual female nudity

full article...

or have a look at the Chatroulette Map

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